I could see this being the next big thing in education especially on the college level but also on the lower levels. Schools can keep in touch with the children, the parents and the community. Us as educators have to stay up with technology to keep education interesting for the kids. This wouldn't be my favorite way to learn but it would be better than reading a book thats for sure some of the podcast were kind of drawn out and dry.
The first podcast I listened to was the SmartBoard Lessons Year End Ideas it was pretty good it was verry conversational because there were two hosts. They had a great idea on this one about how to use movies in math this is a great idea, It makes math more interesting to kids. One of the T.V. shows they used as and example was The Office this eppisode could be very usefull in teaching children what a surplus is and basic math. They were complex in this podcast but not too complex to the point where people couldn't understand what they were talking about.
The next podcast was KidCast Video Podcasting this podcast was informative on the art of podcasting and how it can be used in education. But it was kind of boring the guy that was the host was good. This one was not conversational it was one guy just talkin I really didn't enjoy this one but he had great information just not very good and drawing people in. If I didn't have to listen to it for this class I would have turned it off with in the first two minnutes of turning it on. I'm glad I had to listen to it because it was chocked full of great information. The using the I-Pod touch for education sounds like a great idea but the feasibility of it is kind of up in the air. Ipod Touch
The next one was ConnectLearning Episode 90 it was different than all the other ones it was at a connfrence and was a question and answer session. In my opinion it was all right not great but not bad. It was better that the last one in that it grabed you at the begining and held your attention instead of about boring you half to death. Useing Ipods in education is becoming a big thing i didn't even realize this but it makes perfect sense the Ipod is like having a radio, cd player, dvd player, and books all in the palm of your hand. It was interesting to see how some of the people in the podcast were using technology in education and what they were using. Iphone
Podcasting is like any other type of media if used right it can be very helpfull and entertaining. Most of these post were ok I didn't enjoy this that much but it was ok. If you were to use this type of thing in the classroom you would have to be carefull on what you used. Like I said before If you don't hook the listiner in the first few seconds then you might lose them, and if thats a student that could be bad. Podcast would be great for the high school students and maybe middle school I don't think podcasts would work in the lower grades because the don't have the attention span to use them properly hell I don't think i do.